Dolphins Running in Time for Championship Tourney!

The dolphin are running! And yes, we are catching them – this one was hooked yesterday (May 4th).

dolphin at the dock

Caught May 4, 2014

That’s great news for the anglers who are planning to enter the Florida Keys Dolphin Championship. This tournament is great for those who like fishing in teams, as you can have as many folks as you want on your team.

The tournament is onMay 16th, 17th, 18th (2014) and has piled up more than $100,000 in Cash and Prizes for winning anglers. The First Place Dolphin Worth $15,000!

The largest dolphin weighing more than 55lbs wins a Mercury/Seahunter Boat worth $75,000.  Here’s a 55-pounder caught recently aboard the Southbound:


55lb Dolphin

55lb Dolphin caught aboard the Southbound.


Southbound Sport fishing charter boat

The Southbound Underway




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